You are probably sick and tired of hearing the critical voice inside your head telling you that you are not good enough, that nothing will ever change, and that you are the problem. This constant self-criticism is exhausting, and it's hard to believe that things could be different...
I am here to tell you that they can, life as you know it can be different.
You deserve to set yourself free from feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness.
You deserve to love and be loved.
You deserve to feel joy without guilt. You deserve to enjoy all of what life has to offer.
What I Do
Ready to start your own therapy?
Everyone seems to have their Sh*& together so why not you? It's your turn. You are ready to embrace life, even if that means doing some hard emotional work. You wonder why other people seem to know what they are doing and do it well, why not you? Perhaps you fall into patterns that make you feel stuck. You know them, but don’t know how to get past through them. I am here to help. If you are suffering from anxiety or depression, or just simply lack of satisfaction give me a call, I can help.
Biofeedback/ Brain Wave Training
Imagine being able to experience the full spectrum of your emotions and feelings but not getting overwhelmed by them. Imagine being able to sleep better, wake up rested, and maintain good energy levels throughout the day. My clients report a general feeling of well being, and how much their loved ones notice them more at ease. These are just some of the things Neurofeedback can do for you. Call me and see if you are a good candidate for Neurofeedback.
I'm Natalia
When you work with me you can expect compassion, hope, and playfulness as we work together to help you claim your self-worth so you may embrace life to the fullest! I believe that we come into this world to fully experience ourselves. Therapy is to treat those things that hold us back from becoming truly us. Therapy helps peal the layers of negative messages we have received, and mask our authentic selves. We become afraid of becoming ourselves because we fear rejection and judgement. I am here to tell you that there is nothing more appealing than authenticity. Embark on this journey with me.
I work well with people that like to reflect on how their childhoods impact how they feel in the present, but also know that there is so much more ahead of them. My clients have a deep sense of meaning, or are trying to re-connect with that meaning. They often have a strong connection to spirituality or a connection with something larger than ourselves. Frequently clients come to me when they feel they have lost themselves somewhere along the way, perhaps in a relationship, work, becoming a parent; and they are ready to reclaim themselves. They have a strong sense of their potential and are ready to find their lost parts.
If you are wondering if therapy or Neurofeedback are right for you, contact me. We can think together based on what you want, where you are in life, and what you need. I can't wait to see what's ahead for you!